Finding affordable insurance may not be as difficult as you think as long as you are armed with a bit of insurance information. If you know how the insurance companies think, it will be easier to present your home in a way favorable to your insurer and we've been working with insurance carriers long enough to understand how to get our clients the best rates. Here are a few tips we've learned along the way: 1.Check Your Credit
Did you know that insurance companies have the right to check your credit and use that information in determining your insurance rate? According to insurance company statistics, credit rating is a good indication as to whether or not you will submit many and large claims. They have found that policyholders with poor credit tend to put in more claims than policyholders with good credit. 2.Get Every Single Discount If you are a member of a professional association, you may be entitled to insurance premium discounts. Some companies offer credits to senior citizens 55 and over. Ask your insurance company which credits you may qualify for and make sure you work with an agent who knows all the discounts like the back of their hand. 3. Don't Insure the Land In the event of a total loss, the land will still be there. Do not include the value of the land in your policy limit. Remember, the insurance company’s goal is to help you to return to a pre-loss state. If your house burns to the ground the ground is not affected. 4.Stick With a Good Company Insurance companies reward their loyal customers in the form of credit discounts so make sure you take this into consideration before jumping to another carrier. A good insurance agent will be able to advise you whether it makes sense to leave one company for another based on discounts you may be giving up in the future. 5.Upgrade Your Home If you live in an older home and you have upgraded your plumbing and electrical systems, let your insurance company know. The chances of them having to pay a claim because of a burst pipe or an electrical fire will decrease dramatically. All new systems can translate to premium savings. 6.Shop Around at Renewal Time The same risk rated by two different insurance companies may produce two different premiums and those amounts can change each year. Shopping for home insurance can be a pain if you do it yourself but when you work with an independent agency like ours, we'll do the shopping so you don't have to. For more information about Home Insurance contact our agency at (561) 406-6153 or click here to get a quote today!
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