Getting fined for a speeding ticket can cost you a lot in your insurance penalties. New analyses mention it can also be really catastrophic, in the long run. Car insurance premiums tend to increase at alarming rates because of many vehicle violations happening, which also includes the fine people get from speeding tickets, according to an insurance comparison website. Insurers surcharge the penalty for the violation for three years, which means, even after the violation, you will still be paying for that violation long after your ticket has already cleared. What Should Drivers Do?
Drivers should be mindful as they hit the road, especially during the holidays. As most of us realize, the police increase their visibility during these periods, as many auto groups forecast a record of 49 million people will be out on the road driving their cars because of low fuel prices these days, due to the effect of having a very strong economy. “Drive safely and be informed”, this will be our quote for this holiday season. How Much Do Penalties Cost Drivers? If you get a ticket for speeding, that will cost you roughly $150. This fine adds up to an average of $341 to your annual premiums in your insurance, so, if you can imagine this: within three years, you can have a top-up of roughly a thousand dollars! And that’s for a speeding ticket; now, if we made a violation of beating the red light, or just simply failing to stop at a red light, that will be $333 a year! Drunk driving will cost you, even more, around $1,086 a year! These surcharges are added to rates which may be already quite a pain-in-the-butt. These recent years, auto premiums have been on the rise, while they may vary from different states, the average annual auto premium is $1,470. What Do Car Insurance Companies Say About It? Car insurance companies attribute these rising costs to various factors, which include accidents from drivers who are texting, talking, or basically using their mobile phones while they’re on the wheel. Nine percent (9%) of fatal crashes that happened in 2017 was described as “distraction-affected” crashes, according to the National Traffic Safety Administration. Having a very strong economy these days translates to more people driving on the road and driving more miles (because of low fuel prices!), which also means an increased chance of road accidents, according to car insurance experts. Getting car insurance is a “must” for all car owners. Road accidents are inevitable but avoidable, so please be careful whenever you are driving. And always remember, do not text while you’re driving. At Robert Nichols Insurance Group, we do our best in making sure that our clients are well-protected with affordable and comprehensive policies. We make sure to go the extra mile to help you with your needs. To learn more about how we can help you, please contact our agency at (561) 406-6153 or Click Here to request a free quote.
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